Anime Twisted
I created this back in high school, and it's never ceased to crack me up since.
To the tune of "Twisted" from Twisted

I've gone and done it this time
Now Madoka's offended
But I could ask forgiveness
Our friendship could be mended
I'll say I didn't mean it
I'll try a nicer tack
And maybe if I'm sweet enough
My love will take me back
...And soon enough we'll both fall prey to Kyubey's grand deception.
To think I just considered trading rescue for affection!
Was my wish a work of mercy, or a merely selfish action?
Didn't I just tell Miki off for that exact infraction?
Well, the Madoka I left told me to save her from herself
But she in this new timeline is refusing all my help
I'm starting now to wonder if it's her or me that's bound
By tethers linking both of us each time that I rewound
Am I tied to this new version
Or to she who once existed?
I don't know what to do
When the ropes become so...
Who are you?
A fellow puppeteer pulling twisted strings.
Wait – I know you, from that weird cartoon Madoka made me watch!
You think you know me, as others think they know you. But there are two sides to every cartoon.
A leader has to make the tough decisions
If I hadn't, every human would have died
But one man, not understanding his position,
Thought he just had to go and see the world outside...
So he stole gunmen,
And he won then,
So I hope you're having fun, man,
Since your playtime will be ending very soon!
Sure, you went and took me down
But I don't know who's laughing now
When you're all stuck between a hard place and the moon.
So thrive, you hairless apes
But know the spiral's shape... twisted.
At least you had a shot. I was cursed from day one, you know.
A witch like me could never be a 'person' in their world
Society and Shibusen wage war on magic girls
From mother down to daughter, Meisters hunt us for our souls
I had to stop the slaughter, so I switched around the roles!
My sisters all were killed and eaten right before my eyes
So how could one who fought that madness not be worth a try?
The Kishin was a truly desperate measure, I'll admit
But when at last my fangs were sharp enough to strike them back –
I bit.
In the end, the project failed
So I'd have to say this tail... twisted.
They couldn't handle a woman having power.
They didn't hate you for your power. They hated you because your thematic animal is the snake. Fortune favors the adorable.
Au contraire –
Our only crime was trying to restore order.
In town there were only two who were as powerful (and sexy) as we. Imagine the good we could have done together for that depraved, lawless city. But no!
Those girls cared for nothing but themselves. Their own glory, their own wealth, and their own vices. They hurt anyone who got in their way, and some who didn't, just for the hell of it.
But you know what the real kicker is? It doesn't matter what you do. They're the angels, and we're the demons...
So we're the bitches, and they're the sisters. How's that for twisted?
Twisted... Twisted... Twisted...
I only wished to protect them from extinction!
I only wished for the right to live!
I only wished to stave off anarchy!
Gendo Ikari
I only wished to fill in the gaps.
I only wished to turn this evil world upside-down!
Benio Amakusa
I only wished to save her from those degenerates!
I only wished to forestall a greater evil!
Benio Amakusa
I only wished to give our girls a safe space!
I only wished to uphold the rule of law!
To do what was necessary!
Gendo Ikari
To make a better world.
To make them pay!
Gendo Ikari
To make her happy.
Benio Amakusa
To follow in my mother's footsteps!
I only wished for balance
I only wished for safety
I only wished for order
I only wished, I only wished, I only wished, I only wished,

Nagito Komaeda
I only wished to make high school students kill each other!
What?? Why would you do that??
You're not helping. Disregard that.
It's an unfortunate situation, but... you do have a choice.
What remains of a girl when at last her gem has cracked?
Does the love she gave out live on in the friends who loved her back?
But if she never found a place in anybody's heart
Is there nothing whatsoever once her essence breaks apart?
If I act the gentle sweetheart, I'll be happy for a day
Will I still believe it's worth it when she trades her soul away?
Will anyone defend me?
Will anyone maintain
that "Homura did nothing wrong"?
I wonder, then, to find an end where no one has to grieve
If I had best act cold but clever, or seem noble but naive?
I thought we'd be together
Once I traveled back in time
But if I must, to save her life
I'll leave the past behind
I'll leave the past behind!
If odds aren't on my side, I'll have to stack the deck
I'll give them all the silent, sharp kuudere they expect!
I've given my consent that the face that I present be twisted.
Let them call me the worst kind of mahou shoujo
Say I'm as evil as Mojo Jojo
If the pleasant approach is a no-go, that road I won't use!
Let my words be twisted
Let my heart be twisted
I'll be twisted
This I choose!