
I randomly discovered this cool youtube animation, Necro-Nancy 64, and that coincided with a passing comet that granted me the strength to make an entire one-page epic in the medium of sequential art. I think I’ve managed to wrangle some truly impactful and challenging themes here.

"Renwick is what’s known as a Skulltist (skeletal cultist). The comically sized candle embedded on his cranium is supposed to physically prevent him from putting on his hood as the candle is the Skullt’s equivallent of a dunce cap for exiled Skulltists"
– Macabre, Necro-Nancy creator

Danica DuPont
Age fourteen and quite a bit mean.
At some point I wanted to write my own Harry Potter, but I wanted it to be about Malfoy. So I invented my own evil and rich wizard child. I got pretty fascinated with her for a while and kept starring her in different imaginary projects. I think her core trait is being driven by wildly overactive ambition, half-justifiable bitterness, and an unfortunate tendency to really enjoy playing the cackling witch against foolish do-gooders.
In my ‘main’ story, her rich family gets invited into the tiny conspiracy of secret wizzerds (They spell it the stupid way so that they can distinguish real information from fiction. Wizards are fake, wizzerds are real.) and she gets to go to the school. But it turns out everyone else has a unique magic tool that’s been passed down for generations. Bags of inscribed marbles, compasses full of symbols, totem pole staves. She has to start with a blank white wand on factory default settings.
I have another story idea where witches battle with collectible cards. All the witches have thematic fashions and powers, in the manner of pokemon gym leaders: a candy-themed witch, a dog-themed witch, a gameshow-themed witch... I like to think that Danica, a huge fan of the occult itself, would be the witch-themed witch, with the pointy hat and broomstick. Kinda like how Kingpin is a crime-themed villain.
Anyway, I finally decided to make a visual design of her, and the inspiration is more Invader Zim than anything. She’s cartoonishly small, comically contrasting her megalomania, and the stylized square glasses dominate the face. The glasses emote like Spaceman Spiff’s goggles. The hairstyle is neat yet unhinged.

Phoebe is supposed to be the ideal of un-self-conscious awkwardness. She’ll infomercial any task you give her. She’d paint herself into the corner of a round room. She’d accidentally trick Tom Sawyer into letting her paint the fence. She’d grill burgers with the buns and lettuce already on, to save time. She’d grab the wrong luggage off the baggage claim even if it had someone else’s yipping dog in it. She messed up her VHS of Rugrats Go Wild by leaving it near a magnet, but she just assumed the movie was supposed be all wobbly like that.
Most of all, she inflicts herself on boys her age. She’s just young enough that she still thinks you should impress them by eating bugs, but just old enough that it won’t actually work.
Because of her sheer boneheaded determination, she’s the ringleader of her two equally unpopular friends. She keeps their lives interesting.
The idea of her visual design is that she’s the wrong size for herself. Her hands and feet are big and her legs and arms are thin. Her head is wide like a pumpkin. She has put no thought into her hair; it just kind of shows up and her mom makes sure it’s trim enough to stay out of her eyes. She gravitates as if by preternatural means to the tackiest accessories in her vicinity.
Fan Art

How is a hamster like a cigarette?

Oh, those halcyon days of youth! How quickly the 1st perigee’s moon whisks its entourage of possibility beneath the earth, but for those scraps of its glory we’ve pinned within photographs. How fleeting, too, those photos; merely the larval form of dust and air and emptiness, as too are we. As too are we.
– Troll Taylor Swift
Art Fight
Art Fight is an event where people draw each other’s characters.
